About the Book

A Letter from the Author

Poetry To My Lips

I’ve always been in love with the idea of love.
 The chills that captivated my body during my first experience with intimacy made me slide into its addiction. I became a drug addict of sorts, journeying through the many stages of love in search for that initial high.
 Yet, when my attempt at love failed, and my heart was left battered and bruised, I scraped the walls of hope like a feign desperate for endorphins; searching high and low for the feeling of desire to reignite in my veins.
 Once a sweet, innocent, and naive girl that stepped onto the battlefield of love with no armor, I was now a guarded soul fighting to avoid the sting of heartbreak. My memory of euphoria is how I constantly find the strength to fight through my fear of failure, and enter into the battle again and again, because I’m convinced that a rose can grow from concrete.
 Welcome to my unapologetic truth.
 May the morphine drip of love, lust, passion and pain, create a hybrid high that feels as intoxicating as it felt when I experienced Poetry To My Lips